浙江农业学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (3): 447-456.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-1524.2022.03.04
戴前莉1(), 朱恒星1,*(), 卢敏1, 黄飞逸1, 陈本文1, 陈琴2, 尹思琴3, 祝元春4
朱恒星,E-mail: 17249643@qq.com基金资助:
DAI Qianli1(), ZHU Hengxing1,*(), LU Min1, HUANG Feiyi1, CHEN Benwen1, CHEN Qin2, YIN Siqin3, ZHU Yuanchun4
ZHU Hengxing
戴前莉, 朱恒星, 卢敏, 黄飞逸, 陈本文, 陈琴, 尹思琴, 祝元春. 重庆老鹰茶种质资源调查与评价[J]. 浙江农业学报, 2022, 34(3): 447-456.
DAI Qianli, ZHU Hengxing, LU Min, HUANG Feiyi, CHEN Benwen, CHEN Qin, YIN Siqin, ZHU Yuanchun. Investigation and evaluation of Litsea coreana germplasm resources in Chongqing[J]. Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis, 2022, 34(3): 447-456.
级别Grade | 叶片Leaf | 枝条Branch | 树干Trunk |
优 Excellent | R>95% | 枝条正常生长,新稍数量多 Branches grow normally with more new branches | 树干完好,无病虫害 Intact trunk, no pests and diseases |
良 Good | 80%<R≤95% | 枝条正常生长,新稍数量较多,少量枯枝条 Branches grow normally with new branches and few dead branches | 树干基本完好,局部少量轻伤或病虫害 Trunk basically intact, few injuries, pests and diseases |
中 Fair | 50%<R≤80% | 新稍生长偏弱,枯枝条较多 New branches grow weakness with more dead branches | 树干整体均存在轻伤或病虫害 Trunk with injuries, pests and diseases |
差 Poor | R<50% | 大部分枝条干枯 Most branches dead | 树干病害严重,有坏死、干朽、凹洞 Trunk with serious pests, diseases, necrosis, dry rot and hollow |
表1 生长势级别划分标准
Table 1 Criteria for classification of growth potential
级别Grade | 叶片Leaf | 枝条Branch | 树干Trunk |
优 Excellent | R>95% | 枝条正常生长,新稍数量多 Branches grow normally with more new branches | 树干完好,无病虫害 Intact trunk, no pests and diseases |
良 Good | 80%<R≤95% | 枝条正常生长,新稍数量较多,少量枯枝条 Branches grow normally with new branches and few dead branches | 树干基本完好,局部少量轻伤或病虫害 Trunk basically intact, few injuries, pests and diseases |
中 Fair | 50%<R≤80% | 新稍生长偏弱,枯枝条较多 New branches grow weakness with more dead branches | 树干整体均存在轻伤或病虫害 Trunk with injuries, pests and diseases |
差 Poor | R<50% | 大部分枝条干枯 Most branches dead | 树干病害严重,有坏死、干朽、凹洞 Trunk with serious pests, diseases, necrosis, dry rot and hollow |
编号 Code | 地名 Locaiton | 海拔 Altitude/ m | 经度 Longitude | 纬度 Latitude | 树高 Height/m | 冠幅 Crown diameter/m | 芽叶颜色 Bud color | 叶缘形态 Leaf margin | 叶形 Leaf shape | 叶尖 Leaf apex | 发芽密度 Sprouting density/m-2 |
QJ1 | 姚家湾 Yaojiawan | 516.60 | 108°42'37″ | 29°08'58″ | 3.20 | 2.0×2.0 | 黄绿色 Yellow-green | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 760.0 ±55.7 |
NC2 | 三泉村 Sanquan Village | 872.30 | 107°13'23″ | 29°08'16″ | 3.30 | 1.5×1.5 | 黄绿色 Yellow-green | 微波折 Microwave | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 600.0 ±88.9 |
NC5 | 马嘴新村 Maxinzui Village | 1118.23 | 107°18'19″ | 29°13'12″ | 4.40 | 1.5×1.5 | 粉色 Pink | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 670.0 ±45.8 |
NC9 | 马嘴新村 Maxinzui Village | 1118.23 | 107°18'19″ | 29°13'12″ | 3.60 | 2.0×2.0 | 粉色 Pink | 平 Flat | 长椭圆形 Long oval | 渐尖 Acuminate | 830.0 ±50.0 |
FL3 | 大院子村 Dayuanzi Village | 573.82 | 107°03'22″ | 29°42'51″ | 13.50 | 6.0×6.0 | 黄绿色 Yellow-green | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 836.7 ±50.3 |
WX4 | 莲花村 Lianhua Village | 682.29 | 109°33'08″ | 31°18'21″ | 6.60 | 3.0×3.0 | 黄绿色 Yellow-green | 平 Flat | 椭圆形 Oval | 渐尖 Acuminate | 823.3 ±90.7 |
WX5 | 莲花村 Lianhua Village | 683.46 | 109°33'18″ | 31°18'21″ | 6.20 | 2.0×2.0 | 紫红色 Red-purple | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 846.7 ±47.3 |
WX7 | 莲花村 Lianhua Village | 627.84 | 109°33'11″ | 31°18'14″ | 5.40 | 1.0×1.0 | 紫红色 Red-purple | 平 Flat | 长椭圆形 Long oval | 钝尖 Acuminate | 760.0 ±87.2 |
WX9 | 莲花村 Lianhua Village | 627.06 | 109°33'11″ | 31°18'14″ | 9.60 | 5.0×5.0 | 黄绿色 Yellow-green | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 820.0 ±43.6 |
WX12 | 莲花村 Lianhua Village | 625.06 | 109°33'11″ | 31°18'14″ | 8.10 | 3.0×3.0 | 粉色 Pink | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 钝尖 Acuminate | 756.7 ±30.6 |
WX14 | 莲花村 Lianhua Village | 629.44 | 109°33'11″ | 31°18'14″ | 7.40 | 3.0×3.0 | 粉色 Pink | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 730.0 ±62.5 |
WX17 | 莲花村 Lianhua Village | 624.06 | 109°33'11″ | 31°18'14″ | 8.40 | 2.0×2.0 | 粉色 Pink | 平 Flat | 椭圆形 Oval | 渐尖 Acuminate | 830.0 ±55.7 |
WX18 | 莲花村 Lianhua Village | 624.06 | 109°33'11″ | 31°18'14″ | 6.50 | 3.0×3.0 | 紫红色 Red-purple | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 710.0 ±95.4 |
WX20 | 莲花村 Lianhua Village | 627.88 | 109°33'11″ | 31°18'14″ | 7.20 | 2.0×2.0 | 粉色 Pink | 微波折 Microwave | 长椭圆形 Long oval | 钝尖 Blunt | 796.7 ±47.3 |
WX21 | 莲花村 Lianhua Village | 627.03 | 109°33'11″ | 31°18'14″ | 7.40 | 2.0×2.0 | 粉色 Pink | 微波折 Microwave | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 790.0 ±10.0 |
WX22 | 莲花村 Lianhua Village | 627.06 | 109°33'11″ | 31°18'14″ | 8.30 | 3.0×3.0 | 紫红色 Pink | 平 Flat | 椭圆形 Oval | 渐尖 Acuminate | 846.7 ±30.6 |
WL20 | 广平村 Guangping Village | 773.24 | 107°43'03″ | 29°15'50″ | 4.90 | 3.0×3.0 | 黄绿色 Yellow-green | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 796.7 ±47.3 |
WL23 | 广平村 Guangping Village | 779.68 | 107°43'04″ | 29°15'50″ | 3.80 | 1.5×1.5 | 粉色 Pink | 平 Flat | 椭圆形 Oval | 钝尖 Blunt | 766.7 ±85.1 |
WL25 | 接观村 Jieguan Village | 936.13 | 107°48'05″ | 29°06'08″ | 5.60 | 3.0×3.0 | 黄绿色 Yellow-green | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 823.3 ±20.8 |
WL26 | 接观村 Jieguan Village | 936.13 | 107°48'51″ | 19°06'08″ | 8.70 | 6.0×6.0 | 粉色 Pink | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 833.3 ±61.1 |
WL30 | 浩口二社 Haokouershe | 889.16 | 107°50'37″ | 29°04'47″ | 1.50 | 1.0×1.0 | 紫红色 Red-purple | 平 Flat | 椭圆形 Oval | 渐尖 Acuminate | 830.0 ±36.1 |
WL31 | 浩口二社 Haokouershe | 889.16 | 107°50'37″ | 29°04'47″ | 2.60 | 1.5×1.5 | 粉色 Pink | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 783.3 ±20.8 |
WL32 | 浩口二社 Haokouershe | 889.16 | 107°50'37″ | 29°04'47″ | 3.40 | 1.0×1.0 | 黄绿色 Yellow-green | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 793.3 ±51.3 |
WL33 | 浩口二社 Haokouershe | 892.16 | 107°50'37″ | 29°04'48″ | 3.80 | 2.0×2.0 | 粉色 Pink | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 816.7 ±55.1 |
WL34 | 浩口三社 Haokousanshe | 1007.70 | 107°51'06″ | 29°03'45″ | 4.30 | 3.0×3.0 | 黄绿色 Yellow-green | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 810.0 ±20.0 |
WL35 | 浩口三社 Haokousanshe | 1007.70 | 107°51'06″ | 29°03'45″ | 4.50 | 3.0×3.0 | 黄绿色 Yellow-green | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 773.3 ±23.1 |
WL40 | 浩口三社 Haokousanshe | 1005.30 | 107°51'06″ | 29°03'45″ | 4.40 | 3.0×3.0 | 黄绿色 Yellow-green | 平 Flat | 长椭圆形 Long oval | 渐尖 Acuminate | 720.0 ±43.6 |
表2 老鹰茶种质资源信息
Table 2 Information of Litsea coreana germplasm resources
编号 Code | 地名 Locaiton | 海拔 Altitude/ m | 经度 Longitude | 纬度 Latitude | 树高 Height/m | 冠幅 Crown diameter/m | 芽叶颜色 Bud color | 叶缘形态 Leaf margin | 叶形 Leaf shape | 叶尖 Leaf apex | 发芽密度 Sprouting density/m-2 |
QJ1 | 姚家湾 Yaojiawan | 516.60 | 108°42'37″ | 29°08'58″ | 3.20 | 2.0×2.0 | 黄绿色 Yellow-green | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 760.0 ±55.7 |
NC2 | 三泉村 Sanquan Village | 872.30 | 107°13'23″ | 29°08'16″ | 3.30 | 1.5×1.5 | 黄绿色 Yellow-green | 微波折 Microwave | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 600.0 ±88.9 |
NC5 | 马嘴新村 Maxinzui Village | 1118.23 | 107°18'19″ | 29°13'12″ | 4.40 | 1.5×1.5 | 粉色 Pink | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 670.0 ±45.8 |
NC9 | 马嘴新村 Maxinzui Village | 1118.23 | 107°18'19″ | 29°13'12″ | 3.60 | 2.0×2.0 | 粉色 Pink | 平 Flat | 长椭圆形 Long oval | 渐尖 Acuminate | 830.0 ±50.0 |
FL3 | 大院子村 Dayuanzi Village | 573.82 | 107°03'22″ | 29°42'51″ | 13.50 | 6.0×6.0 | 黄绿色 Yellow-green | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 836.7 ±50.3 |
WX4 | 莲花村 Lianhua Village | 682.29 | 109°33'08″ | 31°18'21″ | 6.60 | 3.0×3.0 | 黄绿色 Yellow-green | 平 Flat | 椭圆形 Oval | 渐尖 Acuminate | 823.3 ±90.7 |
WX5 | 莲花村 Lianhua Village | 683.46 | 109°33'18″ | 31°18'21″ | 6.20 | 2.0×2.0 | 紫红色 Red-purple | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 846.7 ±47.3 |
WX7 | 莲花村 Lianhua Village | 627.84 | 109°33'11″ | 31°18'14″ | 5.40 | 1.0×1.0 | 紫红色 Red-purple | 平 Flat | 长椭圆形 Long oval | 钝尖 Acuminate | 760.0 ±87.2 |
WX9 | 莲花村 Lianhua Village | 627.06 | 109°33'11″ | 31°18'14″ | 9.60 | 5.0×5.0 | 黄绿色 Yellow-green | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 820.0 ±43.6 |
WX12 | 莲花村 Lianhua Village | 625.06 | 109°33'11″ | 31°18'14″ | 8.10 | 3.0×3.0 | 粉色 Pink | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 钝尖 Acuminate | 756.7 ±30.6 |
WX14 | 莲花村 Lianhua Village | 629.44 | 109°33'11″ | 31°18'14″ | 7.40 | 3.0×3.0 | 粉色 Pink | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 730.0 ±62.5 |
WX17 | 莲花村 Lianhua Village | 624.06 | 109°33'11″ | 31°18'14″ | 8.40 | 2.0×2.0 | 粉色 Pink | 平 Flat | 椭圆形 Oval | 渐尖 Acuminate | 830.0 ±55.7 |
WX18 | 莲花村 Lianhua Village | 624.06 | 109°33'11″ | 31°18'14″ | 6.50 | 3.0×3.0 | 紫红色 Red-purple | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 710.0 ±95.4 |
WX20 | 莲花村 Lianhua Village | 627.88 | 109°33'11″ | 31°18'14″ | 7.20 | 2.0×2.0 | 粉色 Pink | 微波折 Microwave | 长椭圆形 Long oval | 钝尖 Blunt | 796.7 ±47.3 |
WX21 | 莲花村 Lianhua Village | 627.03 | 109°33'11″ | 31°18'14″ | 7.40 | 2.0×2.0 | 粉色 Pink | 微波折 Microwave | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 790.0 ±10.0 |
WX22 | 莲花村 Lianhua Village | 627.06 | 109°33'11″ | 31°18'14″ | 8.30 | 3.0×3.0 | 紫红色 Pink | 平 Flat | 椭圆形 Oval | 渐尖 Acuminate | 846.7 ±30.6 |
WL20 | 广平村 Guangping Village | 773.24 | 107°43'03″ | 29°15'50″ | 4.90 | 3.0×3.0 | 黄绿色 Yellow-green | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 796.7 ±47.3 |
WL23 | 广平村 Guangping Village | 779.68 | 107°43'04″ | 29°15'50″ | 3.80 | 1.5×1.5 | 粉色 Pink | 平 Flat | 椭圆形 Oval | 钝尖 Blunt | 766.7 ±85.1 |
WL25 | 接观村 Jieguan Village | 936.13 | 107°48'05″ | 29°06'08″ | 5.60 | 3.0×3.0 | 黄绿色 Yellow-green | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 823.3 ±20.8 |
WL26 | 接观村 Jieguan Village | 936.13 | 107°48'51″ | 19°06'08″ | 8.70 | 6.0×6.0 | 粉色 Pink | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 833.3 ±61.1 |
WL30 | 浩口二社 Haokouershe | 889.16 | 107°50'37″ | 29°04'47″ | 1.50 | 1.0×1.0 | 紫红色 Red-purple | 平 Flat | 椭圆形 Oval | 渐尖 Acuminate | 830.0 ±36.1 |
WL31 | 浩口二社 Haokouershe | 889.16 | 107°50'37″ | 29°04'47″ | 2.60 | 1.5×1.5 | 粉色 Pink | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 783.3 ±20.8 |
WL32 | 浩口二社 Haokouershe | 889.16 | 107°50'37″ | 29°04'47″ | 3.40 | 1.0×1.0 | 黄绿色 Yellow-green | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 793.3 ±51.3 |
WL33 | 浩口二社 Haokouershe | 892.16 | 107°50'37″ | 29°04'48″ | 3.80 | 2.0×2.0 | 粉色 Pink | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 816.7 ±55.1 |
WL34 | 浩口三社 Haokousanshe | 1007.70 | 107°51'06″ | 29°03'45″ | 4.30 | 3.0×3.0 | 黄绿色 Yellow-green | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 810.0 ±20.0 |
WL35 | 浩口三社 Haokousanshe | 1007.70 | 107°51'06″ | 29°03'45″ | 4.50 | 3.0×3.0 | 黄绿色 Yellow-green | 平 Flat | 披针形 Lanceolate | 渐尖 Acuminate | 773.3 ±23.1 |
WL40 | 浩口三社 Haokousanshe | 1005.30 | 107°51'06″ | 29°03'45″ | 4.40 | 3.0×3.0 | 黄绿色 Yellow-green | 平 Flat | 长椭圆形 Long oval | 渐尖 Acuminate | 720.0 ±43.6 |
编号 Code | 水浸出物 Water extract | 茶多酚 Total phoyphenol | 总黄酮 Total flavonoid | 游离氨基酸 Free amino acid | 可溶性糖 Soluble sugar |
QJ1 | 30.00±0.28 efgh | 11.92±0.15 efg | 1.92±0.03 e | 0.80±0.06 hi | 3.82±0.08 lm |
FL3 | 32.80±2.55 bc | 12.36±0.27 def | 1.57±0.02 ijk | 1.02±0 efgh | 4.56±0 ij |
NC2 | 28.00±0.28 ghi | 9.87±0.07 n | 2.63±0.05 a | 0.89±0.01 cd | 5.36±0.22 c |
NC5 | 25.90±0.71 ij | 10.65±0.22 m | 1.16±0.03 p | 0.93±0.07 def | 5.82±0.18 b |
NC9 | 24.50±0.42 jk | 10.73±0.13 m | 1.03±0.02 q | 1.06±0.15 b | 3.56±0.04 n |
WL20 | 28.90±1.27 gh | 12.28±0.18 efg | 1.51±0.04 klm | 0.98±0.01 cde | 5.38±0.05 c |
WL23 | 29.20±1.41 gh | 12.04±0.20 fgh | 1.80±0.12 f | 1.25±0.04 b | 5.41±0.14 c |
WL25 | 29.50±0.14 fgh | 11.43±0.06 hijk | 1.52±0.03 klm | 1.19±0.02 b | 4.95±0.18 ef |
WL26 | 29.60±1.13 fgh | 11.95±0.04 ghij | 1.62±0.03 hi | 0.88±0.02 efgh | 5.99±0.17 b |
WL30 | 24.90±0.71 jk | 11.77±0.08 hijk | 1.47±0.04 m | 1.02±0.03 cd | 3.06±0.05 o |
WL31 | 31.90±0.42 bcdef | 11.72±0.31 hijk | 1.83±0.01 f | 0.84±0.01 fghi | 4.85±0.02 fg |
WL32 | 22.60±1.98 k | 10.77±0.15 lm | 1.66±0.01 gh | 0.90±0.04 efgh | 3.57±0.11 n |
WL33 | 25.90±1.27 ij | 11.04±0.12 lm | 1.70±0.02 g | 0.85±0.02 fgh | 3.07±0.08 o |
WL34 | 26.10±0.99 ij | 11.70±0.06 jk | 1.26±0.01 o | 0.93±0.03 defg | 3.99±0.06 l |
WL35 | 29.70±0.71 fgh | 12.31±0.15 ghi | 1.59±0.05 ij | 1.23±0.01 b | 3.69±0.08 mn |
WL40 | 30.50±0.71 cdefg | 12.49±0.12 cd | 2.10±0.02 d | 0.95±0.02 def | 5.12±0.09 de |
WX4 | 27.42±0.58 hi | 14.07±0.18 a | 1.49±0.03 lm | 1.08±0.02 c | 4.73±0.09 ghi |
WX5 | 30.00±0 efgh | 12.21±0.09 efg | 1.54±0.02 jkl | 1.04±0.01 cd | 5.10±0.05 de |
WX7 | 29.60±0.85 fgh | 12.86±0.16 cd | 1.32±0.02 n | 1.02±0.02 cd | 4.66±0.13 hij |
WX9 | 30.49±1.75 cdefg | 11.32±0.02 kl | 1.18±0.01 p | 0.94±0.03 def | 4.99±0.08 ef |
WX12 | 30.10±0.42 cdef | 11.59±0.17 ijk | 1.04±0.01 q | 1.40±0.04 a | 4.49±0.06 j |
WX14 | 28.40±1.41 ghi | 12.13±0.06 efg | 1.19±0.01 p | 1.20±0.03 b | 4.90±0.07 fg |
WX17 | 28.40±0.00 ghi | 12.80±0.10 de | 1.47±0.02 m | 0.82±0.01 ghi | 4.22±0.11 k |
WX18 | 37.10±1.27 a | 13.35±0.08 b | 2.16±0.02 c | 0.82±0.01 ghi | 6.35±0.17 a |
WX20 | 33.20±1.41 b | 13.28±0.16 b | 2.47±0.04 b | 0.87±0.00 fgh | 4.84±0.05 fgh |
WX21 | 32.60±1.13 bcd | 13.01±0.03 bc | 1.62±0.02 hi | 0.74±0 i | 5.26±0.05 cd |
WX22 | 32.50±0.99 bcde | 12.50±0.07 cd | 2.66±0.02 a | 0.73±0 i | 5.95±0.04 b |
表3 老鹰茶主要生化成分含量
Table 3 Content of main biochemical components of Litsea coreana%
编号 Code | 水浸出物 Water extract | 茶多酚 Total phoyphenol | 总黄酮 Total flavonoid | 游离氨基酸 Free amino acid | 可溶性糖 Soluble sugar |
QJ1 | 30.00±0.28 efgh | 11.92±0.15 efg | 1.92±0.03 e | 0.80±0.06 hi | 3.82±0.08 lm |
FL3 | 32.80±2.55 bc | 12.36±0.27 def | 1.57±0.02 ijk | 1.02±0 efgh | 4.56±0 ij |
NC2 | 28.00±0.28 ghi | 9.87±0.07 n | 2.63±0.05 a | 0.89±0.01 cd | 5.36±0.22 c |
NC5 | 25.90±0.71 ij | 10.65±0.22 m | 1.16±0.03 p | 0.93±0.07 def | 5.82±0.18 b |
NC9 | 24.50±0.42 jk | 10.73±0.13 m | 1.03±0.02 q | 1.06±0.15 b | 3.56±0.04 n |
WL20 | 28.90±1.27 gh | 12.28±0.18 efg | 1.51±0.04 klm | 0.98±0.01 cde | 5.38±0.05 c |
WL23 | 29.20±1.41 gh | 12.04±0.20 fgh | 1.80±0.12 f | 1.25±0.04 b | 5.41±0.14 c |
WL25 | 29.50±0.14 fgh | 11.43±0.06 hijk | 1.52±0.03 klm | 1.19±0.02 b | 4.95±0.18 ef |
WL26 | 29.60±1.13 fgh | 11.95±0.04 ghij | 1.62±0.03 hi | 0.88±0.02 efgh | 5.99±0.17 b |
WL30 | 24.90±0.71 jk | 11.77±0.08 hijk | 1.47±0.04 m | 1.02±0.03 cd | 3.06±0.05 o |
WL31 | 31.90±0.42 bcdef | 11.72±0.31 hijk | 1.83±0.01 f | 0.84±0.01 fghi | 4.85±0.02 fg |
WL32 | 22.60±1.98 k | 10.77±0.15 lm | 1.66±0.01 gh | 0.90±0.04 efgh | 3.57±0.11 n |
WL33 | 25.90±1.27 ij | 11.04±0.12 lm | 1.70±0.02 g | 0.85±0.02 fgh | 3.07±0.08 o |
WL34 | 26.10±0.99 ij | 11.70±0.06 jk | 1.26±0.01 o | 0.93±0.03 defg | 3.99±0.06 l |
WL35 | 29.70±0.71 fgh | 12.31±0.15 ghi | 1.59±0.05 ij | 1.23±0.01 b | 3.69±0.08 mn |
WL40 | 30.50±0.71 cdefg | 12.49±0.12 cd | 2.10±0.02 d | 0.95±0.02 def | 5.12±0.09 de |
WX4 | 27.42±0.58 hi | 14.07±0.18 a | 1.49±0.03 lm | 1.08±0.02 c | 4.73±0.09 ghi |
WX5 | 30.00±0 efgh | 12.21±0.09 efg | 1.54±0.02 jkl | 1.04±0.01 cd | 5.10±0.05 de |
WX7 | 29.60±0.85 fgh | 12.86±0.16 cd | 1.32±0.02 n | 1.02±0.02 cd | 4.66±0.13 hij |
WX9 | 30.49±1.75 cdefg | 11.32±0.02 kl | 1.18±0.01 p | 0.94±0.03 def | 4.99±0.08 ef |
WX12 | 30.10±0.42 cdef | 11.59±0.17 ijk | 1.04±0.01 q | 1.40±0.04 a | 4.49±0.06 j |
WX14 | 28.40±1.41 ghi | 12.13±0.06 efg | 1.19±0.01 p | 1.20±0.03 b | 4.90±0.07 fg |
WX17 | 28.40±0.00 ghi | 12.80±0.10 de | 1.47±0.02 m | 0.82±0.01 ghi | 4.22±0.11 k |
WX18 | 37.10±1.27 a | 13.35±0.08 b | 2.16±0.02 c | 0.82±0.01 ghi | 6.35±0.17 a |
WX20 | 33.20±1.41 b | 13.28±0.16 b | 2.47±0.04 b | 0.87±0.00 fgh | 4.84±0.05 fgh |
WX21 | 32.60±1.13 bcd | 13.01±0.03 bc | 1.62±0.02 hi | 0.74±0 i | 5.26±0.05 cd |
WX22 | 32.50±0.99 bcde | 12.50±0.07 cd | 2.66±0.02 a | 0.73±0 i | 5.95±0.04 b |
编号 Code | M1得分 M1score | 排名 Ranking | 编号 Code | M1得分 M1score | 排名 Ranking |
WL40 | 92 | 1 | WL25 | 72 | 9 |
WX18 | 88 | 2 | WL35 | 72 | 9 |
WX22 | 88 | 2 | QJ1 | 70 | 10 |
WL23 | 86 | 3 | WX14 | 70 | 10 |
WX20 | 84 | 4 | WX12 | 64 | 11 |
NC2 | 80 | 5 | WX9 | 60 | 12 |
WX21 | 78 | 6 | WX17 | 60 | 12 |
WL20 | 76 | 7 | WL30 | 58 | 13 |
WL26 | 76 | 7 | NC5 | 56 | 14 |
WL31 | 76 | 7 | WL32 | 56 | 14 |
WX4 | 76 | 7 | WL33 | 56 | 14 |
FL3 | 74 | 8 | NC9 | 52 | 15 |
WX5 | 74 | 8 | WL34 | 52 | 15 |
WX7 | 74 | 8 |
表4 老鹰茶样等级评价得分与排名
Table 4 Evaluation of Litsea coreana germplasm resources by grade evaluation method
编号 Code | M1得分 M1score | 排名 Ranking | 编号 Code | M1得分 M1score | 排名 Ranking |
WL40 | 92 | 1 | WL25 | 72 | 9 |
WX18 | 88 | 2 | WL35 | 72 | 9 |
WX22 | 88 | 2 | QJ1 | 70 | 10 |
WL23 | 86 | 3 | WX14 | 70 | 10 |
WX20 | 84 | 4 | WX12 | 64 | 11 |
NC2 | 80 | 5 | WX9 | 60 | 12 |
WX21 | 78 | 6 | WX17 | 60 | 12 |
WL20 | 76 | 7 | WL30 | 58 | 13 |
WL26 | 76 | 7 | NC5 | 56 | 14 |
WL31 | 76 | 7 | WL32 | 56 | 14 |
WX4 | 76 | 7 | WL33 | 56 | 14 |
FL3 | 74 | 8 | NC9 | 52 | 15 |
WX5 | 74 | 8 | WL34 | 52 | 15 |
WX7 | 74 | 8 |
生化指标 Biochemical parameters | 水浸出物 Water extract | 茶多酚 Tea phoyphenol | 总黄酮 Total flavonoid | 游离氨基酸 Free amino acid |
茶多酚Tea phoyphenol | 0.57** | |||
总黄酮Total flavonoid | 0.45* | 0.14 | ||
游离氨基酸Free amino acid | -0.20 | -0.08 | -0.50** | |
可溶性糖Soluble sugar | 0.61** | 0.24 | 0.34 | -0.17 |
表5 水浸出物、茶多酚、总黄酮、游离氨基酸、可溶性糖含量相关性分析
Table 5 Correlation analysis between contents of water extract, tea phoyphenol, total flavonoid, free amino acid and soluble sugar
生化指标 Biochemical parameters | 水浸出物 Water extract | 茶多酚 Tea phoyphenol | 总黄酮 Total flavonoid | 游离氨基酸 Free amino acid |
茶多酚Tea phoyphenol | 0.57** | |||
总黄酮Total flavonoid | 0.45* | 0.14 | ||
游离氨基酸Free amino acid | -0.20 | -0.08 | -0.50** | |
可溶性糖Soluble sugar | 0.61** | 0.24 | 0.34 | -0.17 |
主成分 Principal component | 特征值 Eigenvalue | 方差贡献率 Variance contribution rate/% | 累积贡献率 Cumulative contribution rate/% |
1 | 2.38 | 47.54 | 47.54 |
2 | 1.17 | 23.40 | 70.95 |
3 | 0.74 | 14.75 | 85.70 |
4 | 0.47 | 9.33 | 95.03 |
5 | 0.25 | 4.97 | 100 |
表6 老鹰茶生化指标主成分的方差贡献率
Table 6 Variance contribution rates of the principal components to biochemical index of Litsea coreana
主成分 Principal component | 特征值 Eigenvalue | 方差贡献率 Variance contribution rate/% | 累积贡献率 Cumulative contribution rate/% |
1 | 2.38 | 47.54 | 47.54 |
2 | 1.17 | 23.40 | 70.95 |
3 | 0.74 | 14.75 | 85.70 |
4 | 0.47 | 9.33 | 95.03 |
5 | 0.25 | 4.97 | 100 |
指标 Index | 主成分1 Principal component | 主成分2 Principal component |
水浸出物Water extract | 0.87 | 0.31 |
茶多酚Tea phoyphenol | 0.59 | 0.54 |
总黄酮Total flavonoid | 0.71 | -0.50 |
游离氨基酸Free amino acid | -0.50 | 0.71 |
可溶性糖Soluble sugar | 0.72 | 0.17 |
表7 老鹰茶生化指标的主成分载荷矩阵
Table 7 Loading matrix of two principal components to the biochemical index of Litsea coreana
指标 Index | 主成分1 Principal component | 主成分2 Principal component |
水浸出物Water extract | 0.87 | 0.31 |
茶多酚Tea phoyphenol | 0.59 | 0.54 |
总黄酮Total flavonoid | 0.71 | -0.50 |
游离氨基酸Free amino acid | -0.50 | 0.71 |
可溶性糖Soluble sugar | 0.72 | 0.17 |
编号 Code | F1 | F2 | M2得分 M2 score | 排名 Ranking | 编号 Code | F1 | F2 | M2得分 M2 score | 排名 Ranking |
WX-18 | 50.19 | 18.85 | 25.71 | 1 | WX-12 | 35.85 | 16.41 | 19.30 | 14 |
WX-20 | 41.08 | 17.26 | 21.62 | 2 | WL-25 | 36.13 | 15.95 | 19.26 | 15 |
WX-22 | 41.12 | 16.73 | 21.47 | 3 | WX-4 | 35.41 | 16.30 | 19.09 | 16 |
WX-21 | 40.14 | 17.30 | 21.27 | 4 | WL-35 | 35.60 | 15.94 | 19.05 | 17 |
FL-3 | 39.34 | 15.61 | 20.42 | 5 | WX-14 | 35.22 | 16.06 | 18.94 | 18 |
WL-31 | 38.58 | 16.31 | 20.34 | 6 | WX-17 | 35.29 | 15.69 | 18.85 | 19 |
WL-40 | 38.27 | 16.38 | 20.24 | 7 | NC-2 | 35.17 | 15.58 | 18.77 | 20 |
WX-5 | 37.09 | 16.31 | 19.75 | 8 | NC-5 | 33.09 | 14.59 | 17.63 | 21 |
WL-26 | 37.33 | 16.01 | 19.75 | 8 | WL-34 | 32.34 | 14.59 | 17.34 | 22 |
WX-7 | 36.62 | 16.52 | 19.63 | 9 | WL-33 | 31.57 | 13.83 | 16.79 | 23 |
WX-9 | 36.72 | 16.08 | 19.54 | 10 | WL-30 | 30.86 | 14.13 | 16.61 | 24 |
WL-23 | 36.59 | 16.03 | 19.47 | 11 | NC-9 | 30.01 | 13.86 | 16.19 | 25 |
WL-20 | 36.35 | 16.00 | 19.36 | 12 | WL-32 | 29.05 | 12.99 | 15.54 | 26 |
QJ-1 | 36.51 | 15.68 | 19.33 | 13 |
表8 老鹰茶生化指标的因子分析法得分与排名
Table 8 Evaluation of biochemical index of Litsea coreana germplasm resources by factor evaluation method
编号 Code | F1 | F2 | M2得分 M2 score | 排名 Ranking | 编号 Code | F1 | F2 | M2得分 M2 score | 排名 Ranking |
WX-18 | 50.19 | 18.85 | 25.71 | 1 | WX-12 | 35.85 | 16.41 | 19.30 | 14 |
WX-20 | 41.08 | 17.26 | 21.62 | 2 | WL-25 | 36.13 | 15.95 | 19.26 | 15 |
WX-22 | 41.12 | 16.73 | 21.47 | 3 | WX-4 | 35.41 | 16.30 | 19.09 | 16 |
WX-21 | 40.14 | 17.30 | 21.27 | 4 | WL-35 | 35.60 | 15.94 | 19.05 | 17 |
FL-3 | 39.34 | 15.61 | 20.42 | 5 | WX-14 | 35.22 | 16.06 | 18.94 | 18 |
WL-31 | 38.58 | 16.31 | 20.34 | 6 | WX-17 | 35.29 | 15.69 | 18.85 | 19 |
WL-40 | 38.27 | 16.38 | 20.24 | 7 | NC-2 | 35.17 | 15.58 | 18.77 | 20 |
WX-5 | 37.09 | 16.31 | 19.75 | 8 | NC-5 | 33.09 | 14.59 | 17.63 | 21 |
WL-26 | 37.33 | 16.01 | 19.75 | 8 | WL-34 | 32.34 | 14.59 | 17.34 | 22 |
WX-7 | 36.62 | 16.52 | 19.63 | 9 | WL-33 | 31.57 | 13.83 | 16.79 | 23 |
WX-9 | 36.72 | 16.08 | 19.54 | 10 | WL-30 | 30.86 | 14.13 | 16.61 | 24 |
WL-23 | 36.59 | 16.03 | 19.47 | 11 | NC-9 | 30.01 | 13.86 | 16.19 | 25 |
WL-20 | 36.35 | 16.00 | 19.36 | 12 | WL-32 | 29.05 | 12.99 | 15.54 | 26 |
QJ-1 | 36.51 | 15.68 | 19.33 | 13 |
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